You've Poured
Your Heart
& Soul Into
A Truly Great Book ...
We Transform Great Books Into True Bestsellers Learn More Book Marketing Excellence Made Simple
And We Guarantee
You're The Next
We Believe All Authors Deserve The Best Solutions To Have Their Voices Heard

Experienced Best Selling Book Expertise

Your Book. Our Expertise.

An author without an audience is like a great book with a mediocre ending. You've worked hard to make sure you've got a terrific story but great stories deserve an audience, and that's precisely what we deliver.

You write books. We build bestsellers and this is your chance to be a bestselling author and make sure your voice is heard. Take your time and explore how we nurture authors and their books into bestselling success stories.

A Complete, Proven Solution For
Marketing & Promoting Your Book

From Response Building Sales Hooks To
Award-Winning Book Design

Eye-Catching Video Promotion And
Sales Building Bestseller Status


YOU'VE WRITTEN THE BOOK. We'll handle everything else because


We're 100% committed to helping aspiring and established authors become bestselling authors. You've put your best foot forward by completing your book, leave the next critical steps to us.

We bring decades of marketing and creative experience to the table to ensure your book is Number One. We'll handle every facet of your marketing, promotion, and sales creatives to drive your book to the top of the bestseller lists.

Creative Production

People really do judge a book by its cover. From creative artwork, visualizations, to effective marketing and development. We handle every visual and thematic aspect of your book.

Powerful Promotion

A market leader in proven digital and online promotion. Your book will be featured on popular podcasts and presented directly to recognized book reviewers and a massive audience of social media readers

Audience Building

We guarantee your book will be featured as The Book Of The Day on an Amazon reader's blog with 2.1 million avid, book reading fans.

Bestseller Branding

We guarantee reviews, readers, and an enthusiastic fan following from our massive network of book and author resources.

You Can’t Judge A Book By Its Cover But Your Readers Do …

We Have The Knowledge & Experience To Transform
Your Hard Work Into Writing That Sells. Guaranteed.


Why Writers Need Creative Help Too

(Or Pardon Me But I Have Boxes Of Unsold Books In My Garage)

There have never been more opportunities for self-publishing and yes, it’s easier than ever to get your book on the market but … Getting your book published is the easy part, in most cases, it’s completely self-serve. You’ve worked hard to put your book together and it’s idiot simple to put it up for sale but …

The hardest part is attracting reviewers, readers, buyers. Unfortunately, most great book ideas simply don’t ever go anywhere because marketing a book is hard work and it requires knowledge, creativity, and a skill set that many writers simply don’t have or want to have.

An Author Doesn’t Necessarily Know How To Write

The other problem that many writers face is that they might be very capable of writing compelling stories or crafting intriguing plots but they have no idea how to write “to sell”. They’re terrible copywriters but that’s ok and it’s not your fault because …

A Painter Doesn’t Necessarily Know How To Design

Classical fine artists are generally poor graphic artists, it’s simply not the same discipline. Leonardo Da Vinci could master the Mona Lisa but he likely sucked at logos. Likewise, when it comes to slogans, taglines, summaries, pitches, and hooks, serious writers turn to experts who understand the nuances and complexities of crafting “marketing copy”.

Specialized Tasks Require Specialists To Have Successful Outcomes

Technology has made it easier than ever for anyone to become a published author but the harsh realities of publishing haven’t changed, in fact, it’s become even harder as more authors swarm into the marketplace. You may have already had the unfortunate experience of “getting your hopes up”, only to find that nobody is reading or even knows about your book. It doesn’t matter if you’ve just finished your book or if you’re looking to revive a book you wrote years ago, we can help. We have decades of real-world marketing, promotion, and packaging experience in publishing, media, and the entertainment industry. We’re specialists in the field of turning the “unknown” into bestsellers, no matter what.

New Book, Old Book, Red Book, Blue Book – We Can Help

Imagine reviving and revitalizing that dream you had when you finally completed your book. It’s absolutely not your fault if you didn’t get the results you’d hoped for, book marketing and promotion is a difficult and very specialized discipline. 
In fact, the most gratifying part of what we do is helping authors rediscover their author’s joy that maybe got a little tarnished by lackluster sales or mediocre marketing results.  Our expertise and marketing knowledge can help you revive, revitalize or even completely re-brand your “old book”. It doesn’t matter if your book is fiction, non-fiction, a collection of poetry.


Easy To Add Exclusive Audio Book Production

You probably already know that audio books are quickly outselling print copies and we have cost-effective packages to help you make the most of your publishing experience, with professional audio book production.

We offer professional audio book production as an easy add-on to any of our book marketing packages.

Author Focused Popular Podcast Spotlights


Imagine featured bookings on some of the best and biggest author focused podcasts. In 2021, podcasts are bigger and more powerful than talk radio ever was. Reach a huge audience as an author, with your book as the focus on major podcast programs, in front of an international book-buying audience. 

The value of this bonus is incalculable and we’re pleased to include this with your package because we know the power of making sure you’re a featured guest on major podcasts. We’ll help you ensure your broadcast interviews are a success and we don’t have to convince you how powerful this kind of promotion really is.


 Ready To Get Started?

Beginner, Bestseller Or Blockbuster – The Choice Is Yours

We have complete packages for every level of successful promotion and marketing of your book. You’ve worked hard on your book and when it comes to promotion, you deserve and demand the best – We deliver. Talk to us today about how we can help you launch your new book or revitalize a preexisting book.

We transform great books into true bestsellers. 

We look forward to working with you to make sure your book is a true success story.


Proven Basic Promotion
$ 4500 Complete
  • All Core Pro Publisher Features Including:

    Professional Book Promotion To Over 150,000 Book Buyers

    Guaranteed Book Of The Day On An Amazon Readers Blog With 2.1 Million Views

    One Minute Commercial A Day On A Daily Podcast That Receives 100,000+ Monthly Listeners/streams/downloads On Multiple Platforms Including Iheartradio, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Periscope, Stitcher, & More!

    Promotions On A Social Network Of Facebook Pages & Twitter Accounts With 50,000+ Followers

    Submit Your Book To Reviewer Directories With Guaranteed Reviews Every Month.

    And Much More. We're Adding More Proven Promotional & Marketing Solutions All The Time.
  • 3 Hours Professional Analysis of your Book, Identify Hook/Pitch. Creation of Basic Hook, Pitch Summary, Tagline and New Pro Cover Design.
  • 90 Second Book Trailer Video Production.
  • Creation Basic YouTube Book Channel
  • Includes Our Exclusive PRO LEVEL Full Branding Package That Gets Results Fast.
  • Everything That Covers The Basic Essentials You Need To Succeed With Your Book Marketing
  • Exclusive PodCast Bookings
  • Powerful Press Release Package
  • 30 Day Promotion and Support Plan


Take Your Book To The Top
$ 8500 Complete
  • All Core Pro Publisher Features

    Includes Everything From The Beginner Package

    PLUS These Bestseller Features:
  • 3 Hours Professional Analysis of your Book, Identify Hook/Pitch. Creation of Basic Hook, Pitch Summary, Tagline and New Pro Cover Design.
  • 2 X 90 Second Book Trailer Video Production.
  • Create Custom Youtube Channel For Your Book
  • Digitally Recorded Interview On Zoom About The Book And Its Inspiration

    YOU, The Author In The Spotlight!
  • Edit Interview Into Several Clips Complete With Cutaways And Custom Thumbnails
  • Schedule Each Clip As A Live Event; One Every Other Day
  • Optimize Every Clip For Particular High-volume Search Terms
  • Drive Viewers Using Traffic Software And Organic Search Results
  • 90 Day Promotion And Support Plan.


Go Beyond Bestseller Success
$ 25,000 Complete
  • All Core Pro Publisher Features

    Includes Everything From The

    Beginner & Bestseller Package

    PLUS These Blockbuster Features:
  • Your Book Will Be An AMAZON Bestseller
  • 3 Hours Professional Analysis of your Book, Identify Hook/Pitch. Creation of Basic Hook, Pitch Summary, Tagline and New Pro Cover Design.
  • 3 X 90 Second Book Trailer Video Production.
  • Press Releases To More Than 400 Media Outlets, Including Top-tier Newswires Like ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, CNN, CW & MORE!
  • Custom Website Built For Book. Videos Integrated Into Website.
  • Your Book Trailer Integrated Into Book Website
  • Author Spotlight Integrated Into Video Promotion Piece, Professional Edit/Production.
  • Create Custom Youtube Channel For Your Book
  • Tape Interview On Zoom About The Book And Its Inspiration
  • Edit Interview Into Several Clips Complete With Cutaways And Custom Thumbnails
  • Tape Interview On Zoom About The Book And Its Inspiration
  • Schedule Each Clip As A Live Event; One Every Other Day
  • Optimize Every Clip For Particular High-volume Search Terms
  • Drive Viewers Using Traffic Software And Organic Search Results
  • 1 Full Year Promotion And Support Plan.



"Your Astute, Insightful, Professional, Effective Publishing Partner"

Take Your Book From Launch To Bestseller Fast.
$ 2400 Value Included At No Extra Charge With ALL Packages
  • Professional Book Promotion to over 150,000 Book buyers
  • Guaranteed Book of the Day on an Amazon readers Blog with 2.1 million views
  • We promote your book to 22 Facebook groups of readers and book reviewers with 115,000 subscribers.
  • One minute commercial a day on a daily podcast that receives 100,000+ monthly listeners/streams/downloads on multiple platforms including iHeartRadio, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Periscope, Stitcher, & more!
  • Promotions on a Social network of Facebook pages & Twitter accounts with 50,000+ followers
  • Submit your book to reviewer directories with guaranteed reviews every month.
  • And Much More. We're Adding More Promotional & Marketing Solutions All The Time.


Proven Basic Promotion
$ 4500 Complete
  • All Core Pro Publisher Features Including:

    Professional Book Promotion To Over 150,000 Book Buyers

    Guaranteed Book Of The Day On An Amazon Readers Blog With 2.1 Million Views

    One Minute Commercial A Day On A Daily Podcast That Receives 100,000+ Monthly Listeners/streams/downloads On Multiple Platforms Including Iheartradio, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Periscope, Stitcher, & More!

    Promotions On A Social Network Of Facebook Pages & Twitter Accounts With 50,000+ Followers

    Submit Your Book To Reviewer Directories With Guaranteed Reviews Every Month.

    And Much More. We're Adding More Proven Promotional & Marketing Solutions All The Time.
  • 3 Hours Professional Analysis of your Book, Identify Hook/Pitch. Creation of Basic Hook, Pitch Summary, Tagline and New Pro Cover Design.
  • 90 Second Book Trailer Video Production.
  • Creation Basic YouTube Book Channel
  • Includes Our Exclusive PRO LEVEL Full Branding Package That Gets Results Fast.
  • Everything That Covers The Basic Essentials You Need To Succeed With Your Book Marketing
  • Exclusive PodCast Bookings
  • Powerful Press Release Package
  • 30 Day Promotion and Support Plan


Take Your Book To The Top
$ 8500 Complete
  • All Core Pro Publisher Features

    Includes Everything From The Beginner Package

    PLUS These Bestseller Features:
  • 3 Hours Professional Analysis of your Book, Identify Hook/Pitch. Creation of Basic Hook, Pitch Summary, Tagline and New Pro Cover Design.
  • 2 X 90 Second Book Trailer Video Production.
  • Create Custom Youtube Channel For Your Book
  • Digitally Recorded Interview On Zoom About The Book And Its Inspiration

    YOU, The Author In The Spotlight!
  • Edit Interview Into Several Clips Complete With Cutaways And Custom Thumbnails
  • Schedule Each Clip As A Live Event; One Every Other Day
  • Optimize Every Clip For Particular High-volume Search Terms
  • Drive Viewers Using Traffic Software And Organic Search Results
  • 90 Day Promotion And Support Plan.


Go Beyond Bestseller Success
$ 25,000 Complete
  • All Core Pro Publisher Features

    Includes Everything From The

    Beginner & Bestseller Package

    PLUS These Blockbuster Features:
  • Your Book Will Be An AMAZON Bestseller
  • 3 Hours Professional Analysis of your Book, Identify Hook/Pitch. Creation of Basic Hook, Pitch Summary, Tagline and New Pro Cover Design.
  • 3 X 90 Second Book Trailer Video Production.
  • Press Releases To More Than 400 Media Outlets, Including Top-tier Newswires Like ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, CNN, CW & MORE!
  • Custom Website Built For Book. Videos Integrated Into Website.
  • Your Book Trailer Integrated Into Book Website
  • Author Spotlight Integrated Into Video Promotion Piece, Professional Edit/Production.
  • Create Custom Youtube Channel For Your Book
  • Tape Interview On Zoom About The Book And Its Inspiration
  • Edit Interview Into Several Clips Complete With Cutaways And Custom Thumbnails
  • Tape Interview On Zoom About The Book And Its Inspiration
  • Schedule Each Clip As A Live Event; One Every Other Day
  • Optimize Every Clip For Particular High-volume Search Terms
  • Drive Viewers Using Traffic Software And Organic Search Results
  • 1 Full Year Promotion And Support Plan.


Your Book. Our Expertise. The Next Bestseller Is Yours.

An author without an audience is like a great book with a mediocre ending. You've worked hard to make sure you've got a terrific story but great stories deserve an audience, and that's precisely what we deliver.

You write books. We build bestsellers and this is your chance to be a bestselling author and make sure your voice is heard. Take your time and explore how we nurture authors and their books into bestselling success stories.